
New Year, New (Hydrated) You!

New Year, New (Hydrated) You!

Posted on January 19, 2023

For many of us, a brand New Year means a clean slate to start fresh in many aspects of our lives. It's the perfect time to begin things you've always wanted to do, to better yourself, and improve your life. Maybe it's going to the gym, organizing your finances, improving your diet, or starting a new hobby! The list can go on and on, but there is one simple, straightforward resolution the Cirkul family can focus on in 2023: Drink more water! 

Here are a few tips and tricks to keep you hydrating with Cirkul all year long!

  • Plan Ahead.
  • It's easier to start your New Year's resolution with a plan. Fortunately, Cirkul has 50+ flavors you can have delivered right to your door! You may want to enroll in a monthly auto-ship plan to happily hydrate all year long without worrying about running out of Sips!

  • Be Realistic.
  • If you drink less than 12 ounces of water daily, don't make it your goal to drink 64 ounces a day on January 1st. Making your resolution too difficult may discourage and derail you. Start off in the right direction and grow as you go! 

  • Set Milestones. 
  • Once you have planned your attainable goal, be sure to add in some milestones. Maybe in your first week, you substitute Cirkul for one soda or coffee daily. As you reach each goal, you will be encouraged to continue, and you will start noticing the health benefits of drinking more water. By the way, if you need caffeine to start your day, you're in luck! These caffeinated Sips are for you: GoSips, Gateway Tea, Frosted, and Fission!

  • Reward Yourself.
  • Congratulations to you for drinking more water! Maybe it's time to upgrade your Cirkul Bottle or purchase a new Cirkul accessory! These are fun incentives to reward you and motivate you to strive towards your goals. 

  • Don't Be Hard On Yourself.
  • There will be occasional slips; you're human! Keep looking forward and do your best! Take it one day at a time! 

    You've got this, Cirkul fam! Let's take on 2023 by happily hydrating together!